Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Roosevelt and the river of doubt

 In December 1913, When Roosevelt reached Brazil to visit his son Kermit; the country's Foreign Minister abruptly offered him a rare opportunity, a chance to explore an unmapped river in the heart of the rain forest. Roosevelt agreed and started his journey through the River of Doubt. Roosevelt and a small group of men including his son Kermit and the famous explorer Candido Rondon accompanied his on this journey. Three months in to this journey when Roosevelt was jumping on to a rock to save one of their canoes he slipped and received a huge cut in his leg. He also received an awful fever of 105 degrees. During this mission through the rainforest there were many obstacles that Roosevelt and his men had to overcome such as many tall dangerous waterfalls. Also at one point Roosevelt was bitten by a corn snake and if it wasn’t for his leather boot he would have died a slow agonizing death. The men even had to put up with running out of food and on this journey at one point one of the men were murdered. Finally Roosevelt, Kermit, Rondon, and a few other men came to the end of their long journey on the river of doubt.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Online Safety

Yes threats such as this should be taken seriously because you never know if he would actually blow up the wing of the school or not. Yes I do think that this young man should be punished because he thretened to blow up his school. I believe that making this young man do jail time would be a fair punsiment.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Feed Readers

Google reader and Technorati are very differnent. I like Google reader better than Technorati because it is easier to use. I also like Google reader better because the set up is easier to understand.

cyberbullying poster

My Voki